Английские фразовые глаголы

Большинство глаголов в английском языке можно отнести к двум типам. Первый тип – слова латинского происхождения. Они чаще используются в официальной речи и литературном языке. Второй тип – глаголы германского происхождения и производные от них фразовые глаголы. Они более свойственны разговорному языку.

Фразовый глагол представляет собой устойчивую связку из глагола и предлога (или наречия), в которой глагол означает действие, а предлог или наречие – его характер или направленность. Например, глагол come означает «приходить», «прибывать». Он входит в состав таких фразовых глаголов, как come in – «входить», come back – «возвращаться», come out – «выходить», come up – «происходить, возникать».

Вот примеры фразовых глаголов и их синонимов латинского происхождения:

Откладывать - to put off или to postpone
Продолжать - to go on или to continue
Собирать - to get together или to congregate
Отправляться - to get off или to depart

В русском языке из слова «делать» с помощью приставок образуется целая куча слов («сделать», «подделать», «разделать», «обделать», «отделать», «наделать»...), каждое из которых может в разных ситуациях означать разные действия. Подобно этому в английском языке из распространённых глаголов при помощи предлогов можно создать бесчисленное количество фразовых глаголов, способных означать всё, что угодно. Например, фразовый глагол get off может означать «вылезать», «сойти»; «снимать», «отправляться» «отделаться», «спастись», «убежать», «отрываться от земли», «отходить ко сну»…

Широкое использование фразовых глаголов - один из неожиданных подводных камней, на которые натыкается иностранец, изучавший литературный английский, при столкновении с реальной речью носителей языка, особенно американцев. Ниже приведён список употребительных фразовых глаголов из визуального словаря Britlex.

Самые распространённые английские фразовые глаголы
account forобъяснить (произошедшее)How can you account for the contents of your pockets?
act onдействовать в соответствииWell, let's act on the original plan.
add toувеличиватьOf course, danger adds to the excitement.
add upсходиться (об информации)Your story doesn't add up.
allow forвыделять, рассчитыватьI always allow time for sleep.
ask aroundпоспрашиватьI've never seen her, but you should ask around.
ask outпригласить сходитьYou think about her. A lot. Just ask her out .
back downотступить, отказатьсяAfter a dozen attempts he backed down
back upподдержать, прикрытьGo ahead, I'll back you up.
bank onнадеяться, полагатьсяWe are banking on Bernie!
be afterиметь цельюWho are they? What are they after?
be backвозвращатьсяI'll be back.
be inучаствоватьWe are all in!
be intoлюбить, увлекатьсяLisa is into Pokemon collecting.
be lateопоздатьMr. Paszkowski was late as usual.
be offотсутствоватьLet's do it while they are off.
be overзакончитьсяThe paper is over. What a shitty day.
be up toзамышлять что-тоThe children are definitely up to something.
beat upпобитьI don't even remember why I beat him up.
become ofслучиться с к-л впоследствииDo you know what became of that guy?
bend downнаклонитьсяKathy bent down to tie the lace of her sneaker.
black outобесточитьThe entire city is blacked out.
block outблокировать, не пускатьUse fences to block out the zombies.
block upзабиться (о канале)The pipes must be blocked up :(
blow outзадуть (свечу)Blow out the candle. Make a wish.
blow overпройти, утихнутьThis scandal won't blow over so easily.
blow upвзорватьWhy did you blow up this warehouse?
blow up (2)накачивать, надуватьI like blowing up the balloons.
bow outоткланяться, уйтиIt's time for me to bow out.
break awayотделятьсяIn 1776 the colonies broke away from Britain
break downломатьсяThe cart broke down but we delivered the cargo.
break outсбежать, вырватьсяIt's not easy to break out of prison.
break out (2)вспыхнуть, разразитьсяProtests broke out on Monday.
break upразорвать отношенияIt's time for us to break up. It's not you, it's me.
bring alongвзять с собойWe always bring along our raccoon.
bring aroundубедитьNothing will bring me around to your point of view.
bring backвернутьBring me back my 2007.
bring downсбрасывать, свергатьBring down a dictator, when bring down his statue.
bring inпривлечьWe brought in a new contractor to finish up.
bring outвыпустить (новинку и т.д.)The selfie stick was brought out in 2014.
bring upвоспитыватьI'm Mowgli, I was brought up by animals.
bring up (2)поднять темуIt was not me who brought up the subject.
buckle upпристегнутьсяEver since then I buckle up.
build onнарастить, развитьUse every chance to build on your skills.
burn downсгореть, сжечь (полностью)The house was burned down for a scene in the movie.
burn outвыгореть, перегоретьIf you don't want to burn out, don't work.
butt inвстревать, вмешиватьсяSorry to butt in on the conversation, but you're wrong.
buy upскупитьThis guy bought up all the paint in the store.
call backперезвонитьI'm driving. I'll call you back later.
call forтребовать, взыватьWe're calling for justice!
call offотменитьThe game is called off :(
call onобратиться, попроситьWe called on a fortune-teller to figure it out.
calm downуспокоитьсяHey! Calm down bro!
carry outвыполнитьNow go and carry out the order.
catch onвнезапно понятьIt takes a while for him to catch on.
catch on (2)становиться популярнымHats are catching on like never before.
catch up onследить быть в курсеI like to catch up on what's going on in the world.
catch up withдогнатьYou go ahead - I'll catch up with you later.
cheat onизменятьIf he only knew that I cheat on him.
check inвселиться (в отель)Check in: After 1 pm.
check intoлечь (в больницу)I had to check into the hospital.
check onпроверить, что всё нормI had to check on my grandma.
check outосвободить номерCheck out: Before 12 pm.
check out (2)посмотреть, заценитьCheck out this fish dude!
cheer onболеть (за спорт)This pub is a great place to cheer on your team.
cheer upвзбодритьсяCheer up people, it's not that bad.
chill outрасслабитьсяJust chill out and enjoy the moment.
chop downсрубить (дерево)Get a machete. Chop down a tree. Build a house.
chop upпорезать (на кусочки)Get a knife. Chop up the vegetables. Make a salad.
clean upубрать (мусор)You should always clean up after yourself.
clear offубраться вонIt's my house, now clear off!
clear outубирать, забиратьSometimes we should clear out some of our junk.
clear upпрояснить(ся)The rain is over, the sky is clearing up.
close downзакрыться (насовсем)My favorite bookstore closed down.
close in onприближатьсяPlease don't close in on me!
come aboutпроизойтиHow did it come about that the hippo broke free?
come acrossвстретить (случайно)Last night I came across Mick Jagger on the street.
come alongпродвигаться (о работе)How is the building coming along?
come along (2)идти вместеThe water is great. Come along with me!
come byнайти, заполучитьThis is how Aladdin came by the magic lamp.
come by (2)зайтиShe came by the bank to see me the other day.
come downсводитьсяIn the end everything comes down to sex.
come fromбыть изI'm Pedro. I come from Peru.
come intoунаследоватьAfter you die I'll come into a bit of money.
come offвыйти, получитьсяWe tried to call a spirit but nothing came off.
come off (2)отвалитьсяThe wheels suddenly come off.
come onвключатьсяIt was that hour when the street lamps came on.
come outвыходить (напр. об альбоме)The first movie ever made in history come out in 1895.
come out (2)выступить, заявитьThe next day he came out with a statement.
come overзаходить (в гости)I came over to ask about something.
come throughпережить, перенестиSometimes I wonder how I came through it.
come toдоходить доLuffy is awesome when it comes to action.
come to (2)очнутьсяWhen I came to I was walking on the roof.
come underподвергнутьсяThat night we came under dragon attack.
come upпроизойти или появитьсяMr. President, something weird is coming up.
come up to (2)подойти к кому-л.Come up to the policeman and ask him.
come up withпридуматьWhenever you come up with an idea write it down.
come up (2)приближаться (о событии)How about the Tuesday coming up?
come withприлагатьсяBreakfast comes with the room and is amazing.
cool downостытьI took a shower under the waterfall to cool down.
cope withсовладать, справитьсяThe police couldn't cope with the civil unrest.
count onрассчитывать наI wouldn't count on the reliability of this bridge.
cross outвычеркнутьOne more day has gone. Cross it out.
cry outзакричать (от страха, боли)I looked at my hands and cried out in fear.
cut acrossпересечь, срезать путьIt wasn't the best idea to cut across the forest.
cut downурезать, уменьшитьIf you want to be slim cut down your portion size.
cut offотрезать, отключитьIf you don't pay the bills we'll cut off the power.
dawn onосенитьYou know, it just... it suddenly dawned on me.
deal inзаниматься (напр. торговать)My uncle deals in guns.
deal withиметь дело сNever deal with Gypsies.
die downутихнутьAt sunset the wind died down.
die outвымеретьAround 95% of all living species died out.
dig upоткопатьWhere did you dig up such an ugly dress?
dispense withобойтись без, избавитьсяWe were able to dispense with their participation.
do aboutсделать (с чем-то)I like burgers and I can do nothing about that.
do away withпокончить, избавитьсяAnd now I'm going to do away with you.
do upпривести в порядокIt will take a while to do this room up.
do withoutобойтись безA man can do without food for forty days.
drag onтянуться долгоThe speech seemed to drag on for ages.
draw upсоставить (документ)Let's draw up a scheme and discuss the matter.
dream upпридумать (в деталях)Last night I dreamt up a story about a dragon.
dress upнарядитьсяLu was dressed up as a bloody elf.
drive outвыгнатьMy dog has driven all ther cats out of the garden.
drop byзайти (по пути)It's Hemingway's favorite bar. Let's drop by.
drop offзавезти, высадитьDrop me off right here at the corner, man.
drop out ofбросить (учёбу)After 6 months Steve dropped out of Reed College.
dry upпересохнуть, иссякнутьThe river dried up. We can easily get to the city.
dwell onостановиться (подробно)Let's dwell on this one for a moment.
eat outесть не домаEvery Sunday, they eat out.
eat upсъесть полностьюThey ate up everything and left me nothing.
embark onначать (что-то серьёзное)Today I'm embarking on a new chapter in my life.
end upзаканчивать чем-либоSir you will end up in prison. Control yourself.
engage inзаниматься, вступать, вовлекатьArabs engaged in trade and were wealthy people.
face up toпринять (обстоятельства)It's time to face up to this sad reality.
fall apartразваливатьсяThe building is falling apart. My bag is in there.
fall asleepуснутьI lied down and fell asleep despite the loud music.
fall back onопереться, прибегнутьI lost everything and had nothing to fall back on.
fall behindотставатьThe one who falls behind will be eaten.
fall forвестисьMLM? Don't fall for that shit.
fall for (2)влюблятьсяGirls always fall for Greg and ignore me.
fall in love withвлюбитьсяI fell in love with her that very moment.
fall outссоритьсяWe fell out because of a cheeseburger.
fall overупасть, перевернутьсяDon't fall over while doing like that.
fall throughпровалитьсяSometimes people fall through the ceiling.
feed onпитатьсяThe koala feeds on eucalyptus leaves.
feel forсочувствоватьLiza feels for homeless cats and brings them home.
fend offзащищатьсяIn case of harassment be ready to fend off.
fight backотбиватьсяI always have a bat with me to fight back.
fight offотбитьThey are not able to fight off the attack.
figure outпонять, придуматьThey can't figure out how to open these boxes.
fill inзаполнитьFilling in blanks is the most boring thing.
fill in onпосвятить (в подробности)Now let me fill you in on the plan of action.
fill upнаполнить целикомThe cup must be filled up to the brim.
find outвыяснитьI'm trying to find out what she died of.
fit in withвписаться (в коллектив)I'm good at fitting in with a new group.
flick throughпросмотреть, пролистатьIt'll take years to flick through all the TV channels.
flood inнаплыть, валить потокомImmigrants are flooding in like hell.
fool aroundпридуриватьсяI like fooling around when I meet humans.
freak outпугать или беситьThis appliance freaks me out, man!
free upвысвободитьI had to free up some space in my room.
freshen upосвежить(ся)You can freshen up too if you wish.
frighten offотпугиватьA good scarecrow frightens off birds and people.
fuck withдразнить, шутить, злитьHey, don't fuck with my dog!
get aboutпередвигаться (на чём-то)We use self-made carts to get about the city.
get aheadпреуспевать, продвигатьсяIt's an easy way to get ahead financially.
get ahead ofобогнатьPunch the gas and get ahead of him!
get alongладитьMy pets get along quite well.
get atклонить, намекатьDo you understand what I am getting at?
get away withбезнаказанно сделатьI always get away with stealing from stores.
get back atотомститьThis is a right moment to get back at my classmate.
get byобойтись, протянутьYou can't get by for a month on your savings.
get downприступитьAfter photographing they got down to work again.
get inприбывать (о транспорте)My bus always gets in on time.
get lostпропастьGet lost, please. Thank you.
get offвыходить (из транспорта)I will not take you farther. Get off.
get off withотделаться чем-либоMr. Henry got off with a slight fright.
get onбыть, делатьHi Nick, how are you getting on with your project?
get out ofизбежать, отмазатьсяI am so glad I got out of doing that!
get overпережить, принятьI still just can't get over the whole thing!
get rid ofизбавиться отDo this exercise to get rid of your double chin.
get throughдозвонитьсяI can't get through to her. Her phone is off.
give awayраздавать, даритьOn holidays they give away food for the homeless.
give away (2)выдать (раскрыть)You must be Russian. Your accent gives you away.
give offиздавать, испускатьThese flowers give off a very sweet aroma.
give outраздать, выдатьI didn't study well and now I give out booklets.
give upбросить (привычку)Every year I give up smoking and drinking.
give up (2)отказаться, сдатьсяOk, you are right I give up.
gnaw onгрызть, обгладыватьHe had just a bone to gnaw on.
go aboutзаниматься (делами)The countrymen went about their daily activities.
go againstпротиворечитьIt goes against the laws of nature.
go aheadвзять (и сделать)If you get nervous just go ahead and jump.
go alongподдерживать, соглашатьсяWe totally go along with your opinion, sir.
go downбыть принятымThe new songs went down really well.
go for (2)выбирать, предпочитатьMost girls go for tall guys.
go for (3)быть проданным заThis very house went for $102 million — in cash.
go into (2)вдаватьсяIt is not necessary to go into the details
go offсработатьDon't smoke. The fire alarm may go off.
go off (2)отключитьсяThe power often goes off and goes on again.
go onпроисходитьWhat the fuck is going on here?
go on (2)продолжатьсяShit happens. Life goes on.
go outпогаснутьThe lanterns went out. The street is empty.
go overпросмотреть, изучитьBefore going abroad go over your English notes.
go throughпросмотреть, перебратьDean is going through every single pipe.
go togetherсочетатьсяWine and cheese go together perfectly.
go underразоритьсяMy bank went under. I lost my job.
grow upвырастатьThe puppy grew up to be a very nice dog.
hand downпередать (по наследству)My father handed down his craft to me.
hand inсдатьHe had to hand in his gun.
hand overпередатьIt's time to hand the baton over.
hang aroundзависать, слонятьсяWe used to hang around together in our teens.
hang outтусоваться где-тоBut I loved hanging out with them.
head forнаправлятьсяWe are heading for the mountains!
head offвыйти, отправитьсяNow I'm heading off to the West End.
heat upразогретьYou can use a hair dryer to heat the meal up.
help outвыручитьHelp me out of here!
hit backотыграться, отбитьсяWe did our best to hit back.
hit onклеить, подкатыватьI only hit on girls who clearly want me to.
hold backсдерживатьI couldn't hold back the tears.
hold onдержатьсяHold on tight not to fall down.
hold on (2)оставаться на линииHold on, I'll switch you over to Mr. Fooks.
hold upзадержать, затормозитьI got held up in a traffic jam. Every day the same shit.
hook upпотрахатьсяHow often do you hook up with strangers?
hook up (2)подключить, смонтироватьEverything is hooked up but nothing is working.
intrude onвторгаться, вмешиватьсяI won't tolerate you intruding on my family life, sir.
jump atухватиться (за возможность)We jumped at the chance to travel for free.
jump inвмешатьсяOne of them wants to jump in, the other one doesn't.
keep awayдержать (ся) подальшеJust keep away from me, okay?
keep offизбегать, не трогатьPlease keep off the grass.
keep onпродолжать делатьThe snowstorm started but she kept on walking.
keep out ofне влезатьNo, man, I'd rather keep out of all that.
keep upуспевать за чем-л.Ali was too fast. Nobody could keep up with him.
kick aroundобсудить (разг.)I think it's a good idea. Let's kick it around.
kick backрасслабитьсяTake a day off and kick back.
knock downснести, сбитьThe Berlin wall was knocked down on November 9.
knock outвырубить (ударом)Ali knocked him out in the first round.
knock togetherслепить, соорудитьToday I'll show you how to knock together a table.
lash outнападать, ругатьсяA goose lashed out at us and chased us away.
lay downустановить (правило, норму)The boss laid down a fierce set of rules.
lay offуволить, сократитьThe government laid off 1/3 of its civil servants.
lay outвыложить, разложитьLay out your goods for all to see.
lead up toпредшествоватьThe days leading up to exams are the hardest.
lean againstопереться, прислонитьShe leaned against the bench and looked at Tom.
lean overнаклониться над, черезThe guy leaning over a table is Lu?s, later Lu?s I.
leave behindоставить, забытьDon't leave your dog behind. Take it with you.
let in onпосвящать (в секрет, план)Harry, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.
let offотпустить, дать отделатьсяI was let off with a suspended sentence.
let smb downподвестиMy brakes let me down.
let smb inвпуститьWho let this cat in?
let upпрекратиться, стихнутьAfter the storm let up we headed outside.
light upосветить или загоретьсяThe sunrise lit up the Arizona desert.
line upвстать в очередьLine up and wait for your turn.
listen in onподслушиватьThe Big Brother listens in on all your phone calls.
live up toсоответствовать, дотягиватьNon one of them live up to my standards.
liven upоживить, взбодритьMat Zo can liven up any party.
lock upпосадить в тюрьму или дуркуNo wonder she was locked up. 
long forжелать или скучатьNobody knows what I am longing for.
look afterприсматриватьIt's Rob. He looks after sheep.
look aroundпосмотреть, оглядетьLet's go and look around the old town.
look atрассмотреть, обдуматьWe didn't even look at this option.
look forискатьEverybody looked for gold.
look forwardожидать, предвкушатьThe cats were looking forward to their fish.
look intoпосмотреть, изучитьI have to look into this coin. It will take time.
look outсмотреть (опасность!)Look out! He is angry!
look smb upнайти (в списке и т. п.)In vain, I tried to look her up on Facebook.
look up toуважать, восхищатьсяThe were the people we looked up to.
look up (2)улучшаться, налаживатьсяThings are looking up!
make intoпеределать вHe made that coin into a pendant.
make of (2)извлечь, получитьNo matter where you go make the most of the trip.
make outразобрать, понятьThe doctor's handwriting is not easy to make out.
make out (2)целоватьсяI saw her making out with that guy from Queens.
make upвыдуматьDon't be afraid. I made up that story.
make up forкомпенсировать, наверстатьHurry up. We have to make up for lost time.
make up (2)помиритьсяWe quarreled but then made up.
map outзапланировать, расписатьYour life is mapped out by God. Or maybe not.
mark downснижать ценникMy wife buys everything that is marked down.
mess upиспортить, накосячитьCome on. Don't mess it up!
mess withвозиться, связываться и т.д.Don't mess with kangaroos.
mistake forпринимать заI mistook this man for Hitler at first.
mix upперепутатьDon't mix up the gifts.
move outсъехать, выселитьсяWhen I moved out my parents were happy.
move overподвинутьсяMove over boys! I'm kinda tired.
name afterназвать в честьMoore Park was named after the Mayor of Sydney.
nibble onпокусывать, обгрызатьA ground squirrel nibbled on a stalk of grass.
nose aroundрыскать, вынюхиватьBe careful. The cops are nosing around.
occur toприйти в головуIt occurred to me that I looked a bit stupid.
opt forвыбирать из вариантовWhat kind of coffee do you opt for?
pass awayумеретьMy granddad passed away in January.
pass byпроходить мимоThe people passing by did not seem to notice me.
pass off asсойти, прокатить заCan I pass off as a hare?
pass outвырубитьсяI'm afraid I'm passing out. Sorry.
pass smth onотдать (другому)Mike took a sip and passed the bottle on to me.
pass upне воспользоваться шансомI passed up the invitation. Don't wanna see nobody.
pay backвернуть деньгиI expect you to pay it back as soon as you can.
pay offрасплатиться (с долгом)This week we have paid off our mortgage.
pay outвыплатить (крупную сумму)The insurance company will pay out for the car.
perk upвоспрянуть, оживитьсяThe flowers perked up after the rain.
pick onдразнить, докучатьAt first Tina used to pick on me.
pick outвыбрать или выделить изI'd pick out the black one.
pick upподобратьI was waiting for someone to pick me up.
pick up (2)прибратьThey made me pick up my room.
pile upсложить, навалитьThe cash was piled up in heaps in colonel's flat.
piss aboutстрадать хернёйWhat am I doing? Just pissing about.
piss offбеситьMan, you are pissing me off!
plug inвключатьIt works better if you plug it in.
point outуказатьJake pointed out northwest.
poke outвысовыватьThe snake poked its tongue out, then back in.
pull backотступить, отвести войскаThe mission is failed. The troops are pulling back.
pull offсправиться, вытянутьI think I pulled that off pretty damn well.
pull overпритормозить ненадолгоLet's pull over and ask for directions.
pull throughвыжить, выкарабкатьсяShe feels better. I think she'll pull through.
put asideотложитьPut some money aside for case you got robbed.
put awayпосадить в тюрьмуI was put away for two-and-a-half years.
put inвложитьI put in 770 dollars to build this submarine.
put it down toобъяснить, списать наYou can put it down to bad luck, but it's Providence.
put offоткладыватьNever put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
put off (2)отвратить, отвлечь и т. д.Almost drowning put her off swimming.
put onнадетьI put this hat on to protect my brain from radiation.
put on (2)провести (мероприятие)They put on the carnival every year.
put outобременять, стеснятьI hope I'm not putting you out bro?
put out (2)потушитьIf your dinner is on fire put it out with a cloth.
put smb downподавлять, угнетатьHis classmates put him down for that.
put throughподвергнутьWe put the rats through a number of tests.
put togetherсобирать, соединятьPutting together jigsaw puzzles makes you smarter.
put up withпринимать, миритьсяPut up with your fate man. You're a loser.
put up (2)устроить (напр. драку)I'm ready to put up a fight.
reach outпотянуться (рукой)Bob reached out to take the banana I offered.
read outогласить, зачитать вслухThen the judge read out the death sentence.
read up onизучить вопросRead up on that island before going there.
resort toприбегать кWe had to resort to brute force.
result inпривести кHis work resulted in the invention of the telegraph.
rip offобмануть, ободратьHe ripped me off by taking the longest route.
roll upсвернуть, скататьRoll up your sleeves and get down to work.
root outискоренитьThe authorities try to root out the drug industry.
rough upгрубо обращаться, нападатьIsraeli soldiers often rough up journalists.
round downокруглить (вниз)Let's round the price down to 200?
run afterгнаться заThe ostrich ran after me. It wanted to kill me.
run awayубежатьI ran away from home and hiked all summer long.
run counterпротиворечитьBut it runs counter to your earlier statements!
run intoслучайно встретитьSam ran into a bear in his garden.
run out ofисчерпать запасOn the halfway we ran out of gas.
run overпереехать машинойHe hurried too much and got run over by a truck.
save upнакопитьI'm saving up for a trip to Madagascar.
scrape throughс трудом пройтиEventually I scraped through the finals.
scrape togetherнаскрести (денег)I scraped some money together for a ticket.
screw upзавалить, просратьSorry mom. I screwed up my finals.
see offпровожать (в путь)That day women saw their husbands off to the war.
see through (2)довести до концаHave determination to see the job through.
see toзаняться, позаботитьсяI'll see to it that the cats are fed in time.
sell out ofраспродать (весь товар)Sorry, we have sold out of all cheese for the day.
send outрассылатьThe motherfuckers send out tons of junk mail.
set aboutприступить, начатьWe set about the research of the locality.
set downнаписать, установитьSet down your plan for the year ahead.
set outразъяснятьLet me set out my conditions in advance.
set out forотправитьсяThe following day, the Legion set out for Nador.
set smb backзадержатьThe earthquake set us back two days.
set smb back (2)обойтись в (сумму)Our wedding set us back €2500.
set smb upподставитьIt was not me, they set me up!
set smb up withпознакомить, свестиIt was she who set me up with Jim.
set smb up with (2)устроить, организоватьYes, I can set you up with this job.
settle forсогласиться наMy cat never settles for human food.
settle inосвоитьсяHe quickly settled in and now feels himself at home.
settle onопределиться сNow we have to settle on the route.
shake offотделатьсяHit the gas to shake off the dog.
shake upвстряхнуть, взбудоражитьThe morning news shook up the city.
show aroundпоказать местаI've grown up here, let me show you around.
show offпоказать всем, похвастатьсяBob is showing off his dancing talents.
show upприйти, появитьсяThey don't expect me to show up at the party.
shut outне впускатьThey distrust, and therefore shut out the police.
shut upзаткнутьсяShut up. I don't wanna hear a word from you.
sign upзаписаться, зарегистрироватьсяSign up, take a chance!
sit aroundпросто сидетьThey sit around all day and see everything.
sit backотсидетьсяWe can't just sit back and wait. We have to act.
sit outвысидетьSome lessons may be hard to sit out.
size upизучить, оценитьKen is sizing you up carefully.
sleep aroundтрахаться, блудитьShe always sleeps around like crazy.
slow downзамедлитьсяI slowed down to let the dogs pass.
sober upпротрезветьIn fact coffee doesn't help you sober up.
speak outвысказатьAnybody can speak out here.
speak upговорить громчеSpeak up please. It's noisy around here.
speed upускориться'Stop speeding up!' she yelled.
spell outразъяснитьLet me spell this out once more.
split upразделитьсяWe have to split up to find her as soon as possible.
stand againstпротивостоятьFirefighters are standing against the police.
stand byподдерживать, быть наготовеKeep in mind, my guys are standing by.
stand forобозначать (в сокращении)OMG stands for Oh My God!
stand for (2)выступать заWe stand for animal rights.
stand outвыделятьсяDon't be afraid to stand out in the crowd.
start upосновать, установитьI started up my plastic wishbone business in 2012.
stay upне ложитьсяI stayed up all night reading that book.
step downуйти в отставкуI'm tired. I'm stepping down.
step inвмешатьсяThe referee stepped in and ended the fight.
stick atупорно продолжатьThis game isn't hard to master — if you stick at it.
stick outторчать, выделяться I've lost some weight and now my ribs stick out.
stick toпридерживаться, соблюдатьI've never managed to stick to my schedule.
stick togetherдержаться вместеWe were told to stick together not to lose each other.
stir upвызвать, возбудитьA witch should know how to stir up a storm.
stock up onзапастисьStock up on food for hard times.
stop overзаехать, остановитьсяLet's stop over at that bridge to take a photo.
strike outпотерпеть неудачуWhat if I strike out again?
submit toподчинитьсяSubmit to God's will, my little one.
sum upподытожитьTo sum up: it's a very big deal for us.
take afterбыть в (родителей)My daughter takes after me, doesn't she?
take apartразбиратьWe can take a bicycle apart in no time.
take awayотнятьThe purse was taken away by three women.
take careпозаботиться, занятьсяThank you for taking care of the bonfire.
take downзаписатьI took down all that had happened that day.
take inпонять, вникнутьToo strange. I can't take it in.
take offснятьNo, Jenny, don't take it off!
take off (2)взлететьThe plane is taking off, please take your seats.
take onнабрать (напр. рабочих)Definitely colleges take on too many students.
take on (2)соревноваться, столкнутьсяThat day Chelsea took on Everton.
take overпринять обязанностиToday I'm taking over as president of the US.
take upзаняться чем-либоTake up yoga or at least golf.
talk intoуговоритьFinally he talked me into coming with him.
talk overобговоритьAlright, let's talk it over right now.
talk smb outотговоритьI don't know if they talked her out of jumping.
tell apartразличатьSo how do you tell them apart?
tell fromотличитьCan you tell Jack Daniels from Lagavulin 16?
tell offругатьDuring the break the coach told me off severely.
tell onдонести на кого-тоHis Polish neighbor told on him.
think overобдуматьSome strange shit! I need to think it over.
throw awayвыбрасыватьThat's why his mother threw all those papers away.
throw upблеванутьI always throw up after drinking alcohol.
tinker withвозиться, пытаться сделатьChuck was tinkering with his motherboard.
tip smb offпредупредить, секретно сообщитьMonika tipped me off about his plans.
toy withподумывать о ч-лI'm toying with the idea of going to Peru next year.
track downразыскать, отследитьPolice tracked him down through the cell phone.
try onпримеритьI tried them on. They were a bit too big.
try outиспытатьToday I'm trying out my new skateboard.
turn awayне пуститьThe door supervisors turned us away.
turn downотказаться от предложенияOliver decisively turned down my help.
turn intoпревращать (ся)It's time to turn into a wolf.
turn offсвернуть (с дороги)I turned off the main road and proceeded on foot.
turn off (2)выключитьWhen we hear him coming, we turn off the light.
turn onвключитьIf you smell gas don't turn on or off any switches.
turn on (2)заводить, возбуждатьAnd I love his voice…his voice turns me on.
turn outоказатьсяThe insects turned out better than I expected.
turn overперевернутьTurn the steak over after 3 minutes or so.
turn upсделать погромчеIt's my favorite song, I'm gonna turn it up!
ward offпредотвратить, отогнатьUse spray to ward off mosquitoes.
wash downзапиватьWe eat fruits and wash them down with palm wine.
wash upумытьсяAfter waking I washed up in the river.
wash up (2)помыть посудуWhose turn is it to wash up?
water downразбавить, ослабитьI think they water down the beer.
wear offсойти на нет, выветритьсяThe energy drink wore off quite soon.
wear outизмотать, истрепатьArtful Walchuck managed to wear out his opponent.
wind upзаканчиватьIt's time to wind up for today. Thanks for coming.
wipe outуничтожитьEvery living thing on the earth will be wiped out.
work outполучиться, сработатьYes! My plan worked out!
work out (2)тренироватьсяI adore working out on the seashore.
write outвыписать (документ)He wrote out a speeding ticket and let me go.

Источник: 5000 английских слов с картинками и примерами